Crawl New Orleans

New Orleans Bachelorette Party Packages

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Uploaded ToBachelor & Bachelorette Party New Orleans
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We get it.

Planning a New Orleans Bachelorette Party is stressful! But you’re probably already figuring that out on your own. Truth is, planning any kind of party can bring on the stress; but when you’re planning for a group, there are usually a lot of opinions being thrown around and you may have to come up with the plan that works best for everyone. Pleasing a large group of the girls may be tricky, but it’s totally doable and we're here to help!

First, let's make sure you don't make these key mistakes:


We've all seen this before, "We're just playing it by ear" or "Just going with the flow" is a crucial mistake lots of groups make (especially the guys!). When you make a plan, you're less likely to argue where to eat, what bar to go to, or worrying where Becki is (come on Becki, charge your phone).

Spending Too Much

Shocker, right!? Not really. Everyone has a different budget on these types of trips, so arguments, tension, and passive-aggressiveness are likely outcomes of "winging it" and spending more than you need or expected. to. When you make a plan, it's easy to map out how much is being spent each day. Then you can avoid having one person who ends up broke on the last night and makes it awkward for everyone.

Everyone Lady for herself

Are you following the theme yet? We all know if Becki gets lost, half the group is going to freak out and the other half don't care enough to let it ruin their weekend. Create a plan (but don't overbook!), get everyone to pay for these few BIG things in advance, and rest assured, Becki will show up for the party. There's nothing worse than trying to catch up with the other half of your group for 10 hours a day. ("What bar are you at!?)

Let us make it simple. Fill out the form above, provide some minor details and we can help make it easy. On top of it all, we KNOW New Orleans and may be able to help you find Becki 😉